Javni poziv za goste izlagače i članove Art ćakule 2023. – 2024. / Open call for guest exhibitors and members of Art ćakula – Art talk, 2023 – 2024

Rok za prijavu: 28.11.2023. / Deadline: 28/11/2023

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Art ćakula je online umjetnički projekt zamišljen kao oblik virtualnog druženja umjetnika. Na Art ćakuli, koja se održava na ZOOM-u, umjetnici dijele i razmjenjuju iskustva, uspostavljaju nove kontakte, te kroz razgovor i druženje potiču jedni druge na rad i umjetničko stvaralaštvo u neobičnim uvjetima današnjice.

Online zajednica umjetnika Art ćakula poziva zainteresirane umjetnike i djelatnike u području kulture i umjetnosti da se odazovu otvorenom pozivu za suradnju i to prijavom na jednu od tri ponuđene opcije.

Kandidati mogu podnijeti svoje prijave za jednu ili obje opcije. Prijavu za svaku opciju potrebno je poslati zasebno.

Opcija 1:

  • Poziv za sudjelovanje na Art ćakuli kao gost-izlagač putem platforme Art Ćakula

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane umjetnike i djelatnike u području kulture i umjetnosti da se pridruže projektu Art ćakula i prijave svoja izlaganja za program Art ćakule koji će se odvijati preko Zoom platforme tijekom 2024.

Izlaganja mogu biti prezentacije profesionalnog rada, kolonija, razmjena profesionalnih iskustava, predstavljanje korisnih web stranica, aplikacija, izložbi i ostalih kulturno-umjetničkih događaja.
Dobrodošle su i druge ideje i prezentacije koje bi bile od koristi drugim umjetnicima i vjernoj publici Art ćakule.

Izlagači mogu biti umjetnici, povjesničari umjetnosti, kustosi, galeristi, kolekcionari, organizatori umjetničkih događaja, likovni pedagozi.

Za prijavitelje nema zemljopisnih ograničenja.

Potrebno je osmisliti izlaganje u okvirnom trajanju od 30 minuta, uz pratnju fotografija ili ppt prezentacije na ranije navedene teme. Nakon izlaganja slijedi diskusija i razmjena iskustava o predstavljenoj temi do 20 min. Moderator izlaganja bit će osiguran.

Zainteresiranim izlagačima predlažemo da pogledaju dosadašnja izlaganja na YouTube kanalu (www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOYiZDKcbkXbvn-g60LDFA/videos) te da prate Art ćakulu na društvenim mrežama.

Svaki izabrani izlagač bit će promoviran preko digitalnih kanala Art Ćakule, prije i poslije samog izlaganja. Moderiranja i izlaganja se odvijaju na hrvatsko, srpskom ili engleskom jeziku. Izlaganja se održavaju nedjeljom u poslijepodnevnim satima, a nakon izlaganja objavljuje se snimka izlaganja koja ostaje javno dostupna na YouTube kanalu Art ćakule.

Zainteresirani za sudjelovanje na Art ćakuli u formi gosta-izlagača Art ćakule trebaju poslati sljedeće materijale:

  • Ime i prezime – struka/zanimanje/područje rada
  • Profesionalnu biografiju (godina i mjesto rođenja, obrazovanje, profesionalno djelovanje – izlaganja, nagrade i priznanja, projekti, članstva, web stranice)
  • Sažetak izlaganja (tema i opis, minimalno 1 kartica teksta – 1800 znakova)
  • Kontakt e-mail adresa
  • minimalno 10-15 fotografija u visokoj rezoluciji kao ilustraciju izlaganja, a koje će organizatori, ukoliko kandidat bude odabran, koristiti za najavu izlaganja (fotografije trebaju biti u jpeg formatu, minimalno 1200px širine) – preporučamo slati preko https://wetransfer.com/ ili https://www.filemail.com/

Sve navedene materijale treba poslati do 28. studenog 2023. na e-mail adresu: art.cakula@gmail.com te navesti predmet: ”Javni poziv Art ćakule: gost-izlagač

Opcija 2:

  • Poziv za prijem novih članova online zajednice umjetnika Art ćakula

Pozivamo zainteresirane umjetnike i djelatnike u području kulture i umjetnosti da se pridruže projektu Art ćakula u formi stalnih članova Art ćakule. Članovi Art ćakule imaju svoje obaveze i prava, te aktivno doprinose zajednici kroz kreiranje i održavanje predavanja, administriranjem društvenih mreža Art ćakule, a isto tako stječu prava sudjelovanja u budućim izložbama i projektima članova.

Art Ćakula promovira svoje aktivnosti, kao i aktivnosti članova na sljedećim kanalima, čija je publika u stalnom porastu:

Facebook stranica (www.facebook.com/artcakula): oko 2500 pratitelja

Youtube kanal (www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOYiZDKcbkXbvn-g60LDFA/about): oko 11 200 pregleda

Instagram profil (www.instagram/artcakula): preko 370 pratitelja

Facebook grupa članova

Web stranice Art ćakule https://artcakula.net/ .

Prijavitelji – kategorija 1:
Za članove u Art ćakuli mogu se prijaviti umjetnici, umjetnički suradnici i djelatnici u području umjetnosti i kulture iz Hrvatske i regije.

Svi zainteresirani za stalno članstvo u online zajednici umjetnika Art ćakula trebaju poslati sljedeće materijale:

  • Ime i prezime – struka/zanimanje/područje rada
  • Profesionalnu biografiju (godina i mjesto rođenja, obrazovanje, profesionalno djelovanje – izlaganja (popis grupnih i samostalnih izložbi), nagrade i priznanja, projekti, članstva, web stranice)
  • Kontakt e-mail adresa
  • minimalno 15-20 fotografija u visokoj rezoluciji radova – presjek dosadašnjeg djelovanja (fotografije trebaju biti u jpeg formatu, minimalno 1200px širine) – preporučamo slati preko https://wetransfer.com/  ili filemail.com

Prijavitelji kategorija 2:                 

Od ove godine, za članove Art ćakule mogu se prijaviti i studenti magisterija povijesti umjetnosti te magisterija umjetničkih akademija Hrvatske i regije.                              Pozivamo sve zainteresirane studente master studija da se pridruže projektu Art ćakula u formi stalnih članova Art ćakule. Članovi Art ćakule imaju svoje obaveze i prava, te aktivno doprinose zajednici kroz kreiranje i održavanje predavanja, administriranjem društvenih mreža Art ćakule, a isto tako stječu prava sudjelovanja u budućim izložbama i projektima članova. 

Mladi povjesničari umjetnosti i umjetnici akademija imat će priliku surađivati ​​s etabliranim umjetnicima i kustosima na stvaranju kulturnog sadržaja platforme. Glavni cilj je širenje znanja iz područja vizualnih umjetnosti i upoznavanje studenata sa strukom, s fokusom na suvremeno stvaralaštvo i suvremene umjetničke prakse. Dobrodošle su i sve druge ideje koje bi bile od koristi drugim umjetnicima i vjernoj publici Art ćakule.

Svi zainteresirani za stalno članstvo  – kategorija 2, mladi povjesničari umjetnosti i studenti magisterskih umjetničkih studija u online zajednici umjetnika Art ćakula trebaju poslati sljedeće materijale:

  • Ime i prezime – studij/naziv obrazovne ustanove
  • Biografiju (godina i mjesto rođenja, obrazovanje, projekti, članstva, web stranice)
  • Potvrdu o magisterskom studiju
  • Kontakt e-mail adresa

Sve navedene materijale potrebno je poslati do 28. studenog 2023. na e-mail adresu: art.cakula@gmail.com te navesti pod subject: ”Javni poziv za nove članove Art ćakule”

Sve prijave pregledati će stručni članovi Art ćakule: povjesničarka umjetnosti i kustosica Romana Tekić iz Slavonskog Broda, povjesničarka umjetnosti i kustosica Jelena Simić iz Beograda te kustos, pedagoški radnik i fotograf  Borislav Božić iz Rijeke.                                                                                                                                       

Svi prijavljeni kandidati bit će obaviješteni o rezultatima natječaja najkasnije do 8. prosinca 2023.

Pratite nas radi informacija o narednim natječajima.

Veselimo se novim suradnicima i članovima Art ćakule!



Art ćakula (Art talk) is an online art project conceived as a form of virtual socializing of artists. At Art ćakula (Art talk), which takes place on ZOOM, artists share and exchange experiences, make new contacts, and through conversation and socializing encourage each other`s work and artistic creation in the unusual conditions of today`s world.

The online community of Art Ćakula invites all interested artists and other participants in the field of art and culture (curators, gallerists, museum workers, collectors, organizers of art events, art educators etc.) to apply to the open call for collaboration.

Applicants are welcome to submit their applications in one or both categories. The application for each category should be sent separately.

Option 1:

  • Participants of Art Ćakula (Art talk) as guest exhibitors

Artists and other participants in the field of art and culture are invited to apply as guest exhibitors and submit their presentation proposals for the Art ćakula program that will take place on ZOOM during 2024.

The presentations can be:
presentations of professional work, art colonies, exchange of professional experiences, presentations of useful websites, apps, exhibitions, and other events in the field of art and culture.
Other proposals that would be useful to other artists and the loyal audience of Art ćakula are also welcome.

Eligible applicants:
Artists, curators, gallerists, museum workers, collectors, organizers of art events, art educators and all other participants in art and culture from anywhere in the world.

There are no geographical restrictions for applicants.

The submission should include a written proposal for a presentation of approximately 30 min., accompanied by visual materials (photos, videos, ppt presentations, etc.) on the above mentioned topics.

If the proposal is accepted, the applicant will be invited to present it at Art ćakula (Art talk). The presentation is followed by a discussion and exchange of experiences on the presented topic of approximately 20 min. The moderator of the presentation will be provided.

Interested exhibitors are invited to watch the previous presentations published on the Art ćakula  YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOYiZDKcbkXbvn-g60LDFA/videos) and to follow Art ćakula on social networks.

Each selected exhibitor will be promoted through the Art ćakula digital channels, before and after their presentation. Moderations and presentations are held in Croatian, Serbian or English. The presentations take place on Sunday afternoons. After each presentation, a recording is published and remains publicly available on the Art ćakula  YouTube channel.

Every applicant should send the following materials:

  • Name and surname – profession/occupation / field of work
  • Professional biography (year and place of birth, education, professional activity – presentations, awards and recognitions, projects, memberships, websites)
  • Summary of the presentation (topic and description, min. 1800 characters)
  • Contact e-mail address
  • a minimum of 10-15 high resolution photos to illustrate the presentation, which the organizers, if selected, will use to announce the presentation (photos should be in jpeg format, minimum 1200 px wide) – we recommend sending via https://wetransfer.com/or https://www.filemail.com/

All the materials must be sent by November 28, 2023 to the e-mail address art.cakula@gmail.com and state the subject: “Art ćakula open call – guest exhibitor”

Option 2:

  • Competition for the admission of new members to the online community of Art ćakula (Art talk)

All interested artists and other participants in the field of art and culture (curators, gallerists, museum workers, collectors, organizers of art events, art educators etc.) are invited to join the Art ćakula community as permanent members.

Art ćakula members have their obligations and rights. They actively contribute to the community by creating and holding lectures, administering the Art ćakula social networks, and website. Members have the right to participate in future exhibitions and projects which are organized for members.

Art Ćakula promotes its activities, as well as the activities of the members on the following platforms, with a constantly growing audience:

Eligible applicants – category 1:
Artists, curators, gallerists, museum workers, collectors, organizers of art events, art educators and all other participants in art and culture from Croatia and the region countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro).

All applicants interested in permanent membership in the online community of Art ćakula should send the following materials:

  • Name and surname – profession/occupation/field of work
  • Professional biography (year and place of birth, education, professional activity – exhibitions (list of group and solo exhibitions), awards and recognitions, projects, memberships, websites)
  • Contact e-mail address
  • minimum 15-20 photos in high resolution – selection of previous work (photos should be in jpeg format, minimum 1200px wide) – we recommend sending via https://wetransfer.com/ or filemail.com

Eligible applicants – category 2:

From this year, master’s students of Art History and art academies master’s students from Croatia and the region countries can also apply for membership. 

We are inviting all interested master’s students to join the Art ćakula project as permanent members of Art ćakula. Members have their obligations and rights and actively contribute to the community by creating and holding lectures, administering Art ćakula social networks, and acquire the right to participate in future exhibitions and member projects.

Young art historians and academy artists will have the opportunity to collaborate with established artists and curators to create the platform’s cultural content. The main goal is to spread knowledge in the field of visual arts and introduce students to the profession, with a focus on contemporary creativity and contemporary artistic practices. All other ideas that would be useful to other artists and the faithful audience of Art ćakula are also welcome.


Anyone interested in permanent membership from category 2, young art historians and students of master’s art studies at the online community of artists Art ćakula should send the following materials:

  • First and last name – study/name of educational institution
  • Biography (year and place of birth, education, projects, memberships, websites)
  • Master’s degree certificate
  • Contact e-mail address

All the materials must be sent by November 28, 2023 to the e-mail address: art.cakula@gmail.com and state the subject: “Open call for new members of Art ćakula”

All applications will be reviewed by expert members of Art ćakula: art historian and curator Romana Tekić from Slavonski Brod, art historian and curator Jelena Simić from Belgrade and curator, pedagogic worker, and photographer Borislav Božić from Rijeka.                                                                                                                                                                       

All applicants will be notified of the results of this open call no later than December 8, 2023.

Follow us to be informed about our open calls in the future.

We are looking forward to new collaborators and members!

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